Featuring work by Trevor Sutton, Nigel Hall RA, Peter Care and Claudia Clare, this is an exhibition that demonstrates the apodictic purpose of these artists.


Resolution: In 2020 we are taking Women @ the Well as our gallery charity.  We are supporting gallery artist, the painter-potter Claudia Clare, in her project And the Door Opened in aid of this charity.  Women @the Well is a women-only service located in Kings Cross dedicated to supporting women whose lives are affected by or at risk of being affected by prostitution.  And the Door Opened is a series of events with displays of Claudia's pots, talks, demonstrations and conversations that together illustrate the stories of women wanting to leave, 'exit', prostitution.  The aim is to enhance the public's understanding of what prostitution is and to show that, with the right support, girls and women do not need to live and die exploited in the sex trade – there are ways out. We also aim to dislodge the myth of the ‘happy hooker’ or ‘sex worker,’ by bringing accounts of women who have survived the sex trade, women who have lived, ‘the life,’ to a wider audience.