“His loaf of bread is so skilfully rendered that you can tell on inspection that it is sourdough; and it is immediately evident that the lemons are from Sorrento. His red chicory, like his several depictions of eggs and eggshells, balance on enigmatic reflective surfaces, lending the pictures an air of mystery.”  Paul Levy, 2022.

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Zuleika Gallery is delighted to announce the exhibition Flowers and Food – New Works by David Williams-Bulkeley which will take place from 11 May to 16 June 2022 in the Woodstock gallery. A visual feast, the exhibition is a celebration of food and art, a subject that has fascinated artists and aesthetes for generations. This is the first solo show of work by Williams-Bulkeley since his return from America to reside in the UK. The artist was based in the USA where he regularly showed with the Guild of Boston Artists.