Sam finds her inspiration in the landscapes of her surroundings. From the flux of woodland and field patterns to the ebb and flow of estuaries and sandy bays, the natural environment is a constant inspiration. Her semi abstracted work gathers the experience of place: captivating shapes are picked out, the weather and atmosphere are suggested and sketched in and imbued with emotion and a sense of verve.  


Sam worked for years both as an illustrator and textile designer before becoming a full-time painter. As an illustrator she drew daily, often under time-pressure working for newspapers and magazines. Drawing is still the foundation of her work, she describes herself as a 'limited colourist', applying colour in a direct and spontaneous way with no preconceived idea of where the work will go.


Sam has a first class degree in Fine Art and an MA in Art and Design. She illustrated for House & Garden and The Guardian and her numerous commissions include work for Highgrove & Sandringham, The Dorchester, Harrods and Cath Kidston.  She is now painting full-time and her work is in great demand.