Frances Aviva Blane: Me Me Me!

Me Me Me! is Blane’s second solo exhibition at Zuleika Gallery following ‘Fragmented’ in 2020. Blane says of her latest series of heads "the portraits are concerned with disintegration of paint and personality. As a painter, I am interested in how paint ‘behaves’, the quality of oil paint. I am fascinated by various methods of paint application, whether traditional or innovatory. The viscosity of thick paint suggests force and power, whereas the watercolour translucence of a highly dilute substance implies an ethereality of raindrops falling. Oil paint is an organic substance and will always react differently. The portraits in this exhibition are about breakdown and disintegration”. Following this exhibition with Blane will exhibit at De Queeste Art Gallery in Belgium and EcArtspace in Greece and, to accompany the exhibition, Zuleika Gallery have compiled a book with text by renowned psychologist Dr Susie Orbach and Anna McNay. Please get in touch if you would like a copy.